Sunday, June 1, 2014

Top Story - Kelud Legend and Betrayal Love Story Dewi Kilisuci

Kelud in Kediri, East Java erupted at around 22:50 pm yesterday. Thousands of Kediri and surrounding areas was evacuated to avoid things that are not desirable. The mountain last erupted in 2007.

For the citizens of East Java, especially Kediri, legend has long Kelud. According to the legend does not come from naturally raised mound, such as Mount Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung, West Java. Kelud form of a betrayal of the love of a daughter named "Dewi Kilisuci" against two powerful king named "Mahesa Suro" and "Lembu Suro". compiled from various sources, at the time, told "Dewi Kilisuci" child daughter "Jenggolo Manik" famous for her beauty spoken for two kings. However, instead of applying the human race, because of the one-headed bull named King "Lembu Suro" and the other headed buffalo named "Mahesa Suro".

To reject the proposal, "Dewi Kilisuci" contest to make the impossible done by ordinary people, which makes the two wells on the summit of Mount Kelud, which one should smell fishy and smells fragrant and should only be completed in one night or until the cock crows.

Finally the magic "Mahesa Suro" and "Lembu Suro", the contest of affordable. After working all night, both winning in the contest. But the "Dewi Kilisuci" still not willing to be his wife. Then the "Dewi Kilisuci" submit a request again. Ie, the two kings must prove first that both the well and the fragrant smells really fishy with the way they both have to go into the well.

Deceived by the flattery, they both enter into the very deep wells. Once they were inside the well, and "Dewi Kilisuci" Jenggala ordered soldiers to hoard them with stones. Then die "Mahesa Suro" and "Lembu Suro". But before dying "Lembu Suro" had vowed to say. (wong Kediri mbesuk bakal pethuk piwalesku sing makaping kaping, yoiku Kediri bakal dadi kali, Blitar dadi latar, Tulungagung bakal dadi Kedung).

(Yes, the Kediri tomorrow will get my revenge very large. "Kediri" going to be a river, "Blitar" will be the mainland and "Tulungagung" becomes a lake. From this legend finally Kelud slopes public offerings as a starting Custody perform the oath which called float offerings.

The event is held annually on 23 months suro by society "Sugih Waras". But in 2006 a special implementation of intentionally enlivened by Regent Kediri to improve the prestige of tourist regions. Implementation of this ritual is also a promotional vehicle to increase tourist arrivals to come to Kediri. (From various sources).

Indonesian source article :

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